Plastics Recyclers Europe
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What we do
Design for recycling
Waste collection
Waste sorting
Quality recycling
Use of recycled plastics
Plastic recycling
What is plastic recycling?
How does recycling work?
Recycling in Europe
Future of plastics recycling
Recycling benefits
Recycling benefits
In 2022, the plastic recycling industry in the EU saved
+10M tonnes
of CO2 Emissions.
This is equivalent to:
Emissions from all
Belgium’s passenger
cars in 1 year
125M oil barrels consumed
14M people using
electricity, gas, steam & air conditioning in 1 year
50% less GHG emissions from the Belgian transport sector in 1 year
Diverting millions of resources
from landfills
Plastic recycling advances the green transition.
Join the change!